Freeze-Proof Hydrant: Can It Freeze?
Can a freeze-proof hydrant freeze? The answer is yes. A freeze-proof hydrant is simply a yard hydrant that is built for year-round use, even in freezing temperatures. These hydrants are equipped with a drain back system that allows water to…

Frozen Yard Hydrant: Things You Should Know
Having a frozen yard hydrant can be a massive problem during the wintertime. Not having access to water for livestock in freezing temperatures can be deadly. Keeping your yard hydrant up and running during the wintertime can be vital.

Yard Hydrant Winterization: How to Winterize Your Yard Hydrant
Are you looking to winterize your yard hydrant? Winter is coming, and with it comes the risk of frozen yard hydrants, meaning no water in the most extreme weather conditions. Most yard hydrants don’t need to be winterized, even though yard…

Broken Yard Hydrant: How to Prevent Breaks
A yard hydrant is a convenient and useful device that allows you to access water outdoors without having to run a hose from the house. However, yard hydrants can also be vulnerable to damage. Things such as accidents, corrosion, or freezing…

Leaking Hydrant: Things You Should Know
A leaking yard hydrant can be a major pain, and if not dealt with, can lead to much bigger problems. Some leaks can be a quick and easy fix, others not so much. In this blog, we will go over different types of leaking yard hydrant problems and…

Frost Proof Hydrant: Things You Should Know
A yard hydrant is part of your plumbing that allows you to have water to an outdoor location. "Frost proof hydrant" is just one of the many names used to describe this piece of plumbing, however the name can be a little deceiving. It should…

Frost-Free Hydrant: Things You Should Know
A yard hydrant is part of your plumbing that allows you to have water to an outdoor location. "Frost-free hydrant" is just one of the many names used to describe this piece of plumbing, however the name can be a little deceiving. It should be…

Waterline: Things You Should Know
Waterlines are one of the most important aspects of exterior water sources. Whether you are running a line from a well into your house, or a line from the well to a yard hydrant, waterline's make the job possible. Choosing the right type of…

Waterline Depth: How Deep Should a Waterline Be
When installing a yard hydrant, knowing your hydrant and waterline depth is one of the most important aspects in the installation process. To answer the question “How deep should I bury a yard hydrant”, you need to know how deep the ground…

Choosing a Yard Hydrant
There are many factors to consider when choosing a yard hydrant. Selecting a hydrant with the features you need is the most important. However, cost and availability also play a crucial role. In different areas certain hydrants will have a larger…