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Cost of a Yard Hydrant

Installing vs Replacing The cost of a yard hydrant, whether it is installing a completely new hydrant or replacing a broken or leaking a hydrant, can vary a lot. For installing a completely new hydrant, costs can be much more due to the fact…
Hydrant Assist Kit Parts

Installing a Hydrant Assist Kit

Introduction The Hydrant Assist Kit is a great product that can help solve your hydrant headaches. However, it can only do that if installed properly. Luckily, we are here to help you with that! In this blog we will explain what you need for…
Hydrant Assist Kit Parts

Hydrant Assist Kit: Which HAK Do I Need

Hydrant Assist Kit Intro The Hydrant Assist Kit is a revolutionary product that can help take your hydrant to the next level. However, this kit only works if you know which HAK is the right one for your hydrant! To find this out, you only need…

Seppmann Enterprises: Who We Are

Introduction Seppmann Enterprises is a family owned and operated business from Southern Minnesota. We started our journey of solving yard hydrants problems in 2005 and haven't looked back. Before we got into the hydrant business, we spent countless…
Hydrant Assist Kit Parts

Hydrant Assist Kit: What actually IS it?

Hydrant Assist Kit Introduction This blog is the first of the brand-new series, Hydrant Assist Kit Explained. We will be covering a wide range of topics, including explaining what a Hydrant Assist Kit is, what are the major pieces of the kit,…