
Yard Hydrant Repair Kit

Have a leaking yard hydrant? Or a yard hydrant that you haven't used in years due to fears of underground breaks or leaks. Maybe it's a hydrant that has been used constantly for years without problems but is getting old. In this blog post, we…

Seppmann Enterprises: Who We Are

Introduction Seppmann Enterprises is a family owned and operated business from Southern Minnesota. We started our journey of solving yard hydrants problems in 2005 and haven't looked back. Before we got into the hydrant business, we spent countless…
Hydrant Assist Kit Parts

Hydrant Assist Kit: What actually IS it?

Hydrant Assist Kit Introduction This blog is the first of the brand-new series, Hydrant Assist Kit Explained. We will be covering a wide range of topics, including explaining what a Hydrant Assist Kit is, what are the major pieces of the kit,…