Hydrant Assist Kit Parts

Have a leaking or broken yard hydrant that needs to be repaired or replaced? Or an old hydrant that you don’t dare turn on? Maybe you know you want a new hydrant but don’t want to go through all the fuss to dig it up and replace it. We have just the solution for you. A Hydrant Assist Kit, or HAK as we like to call it.

hydrant assist kit

A Hydrant Assist Kit (HAK) attaches a yard hydrant to a waterline. Once your hydrant has a HAK there is no need for costly and dangerous digging. You can replace your hydrant in minutes from the surface. A HAK saves time, money, and the mess that comes with digging!


Where It Comes in Handy

Say you have a yard hydrant that needs repair because it has a small leak. With a HAK you can simply unscrew the hydrant, right from the surface, and take your hydrant inside a barn or shed so you can get a better look at what might be causing the leak. This helps in two ways, it lets you get a better picture of the problem you are dealing with. It will be much easier to find the leak when you can see the entire hydrant at once. The second way a HAK helps is by not having to do the repair out in the elements. Whether it be scorching heat, or a freezing blizzard, you can do you hydrant repair from any building or shed of your choice.


yard hydrant using water


HAK’s also make replacements quick and easy. Say you or your teenager who is just learning to drive, accidently runs into your yard hydrant. With a regular hydrant, that is a massive problem. Your hydrant will most likely not work, and replacing it will take hours of digging or cost hundreds for heavy equipment. With a HAK, you can simply unscrew your bent yard hydrant, and replace it with a brand new hydrant in minutes. We know this because we have seen it in the real world (check the picture below this). This bent hydrant was fully replaced in a little under 5 minutes.

broken yard hydrant


Overall a Hydrant Assist Kit can make yard hydrant repair and replacement easy. Without a HAK you are leaving your hydrant vulnerable to the surrounding environment, mistakes and father time.  If you want to learn more about how a HAK can help you, head over to our All About the HAK page!